Open Call


The Feminist Culture of Peace

Theater – Livemusik – Site Specific Performances – Video-Installationen – Workshops – Symposium

The International Women’s* Theatre Festival (IF*TF) has the central purpose of strengthening the position and perspectives of women* wo work and create in contemporary theatre in the public eye, as well as adressing gender equality on a cultural level. To further the professional development of womexn in theatre, the festival offers a range of workshops. For 8 years now, this festival has provided important impulses aimed at strengthening feminist projects at state and national level. As part of the Magdalena Project network, we are part of an international community, and we have made it our mission to establish this network in Germanys independent scene.


For the diverse program, we are looking for artistic responses for a diverse audience. The focus is on this year’s theme “Safer Spaces – The Feminist Culture of Peace”. Among other things, we want to explore the following topics together. We are especially interested in whether your project relates to our theme for this year, for example to the following points:

  • Feminist perspectives in peace and conflict research;
  • What artistic strategy or methodology have theatre makers and artists developed in recent years to create a non-violent working environment?
  • How do artists respond to and deal with conflict?
  • How do directors, authors, actors and musicians create a future of solidarity and security for women


  • Theatre productions and performances
  • Performances in public spaces – e.g. audio walks, site-specific performances, etc.
  • Workshop leaders in performing arts and music
  • DJ*anes and live musicians/bands
  • Video art, short films, video installations etc. for our format ‘Pandora’s Box’
  • Contributions to our gallery – e.g. Photography, paintings etc.
  • Contributions to the topic for our symposium
  • Participants for the festival residency (accommodation and meals included) – 16 to 22 September 2024 – Secure one of the limited artist residencies on site during the festival!

DEADLINE: 05.07. 07. 2024

Please use the form to apply.
Questions to:

Applications will be accepted in an ongoing selection process up to and including 5 July 2024. We want to give feedback to all applicants by 31 July at the latest.

We look forward to your feminist contributions, research, productions and feminist thoughts!

Please submit applications by the deadline of 05.07.2024.

Please send us the following application documents

  • Performance description (one A4 page)
  • Press release (max. 400 characters)
  • Illustrative material (2-3 photos)
  • complete video material (as link),
  • Technical Rider
  • Cost Plan

    The application deadline is 05.07.2024. Please submit applications by the deadline.

    Please note the information in the PDF file and send us your application documents:

    [DEUTSCH] – OPEN CALL – Pandora’s Box (.pdf)

      [honeypot website]