Seeds of memory
The performance is about absence: the absence of a father, the absence of a body to bury, and the absence of 30.000 missing people in Argentina during the last military dictatorship. But absence generates its opposite: resistance, presence and identity. Absence is the starting point to build a performance that contains both, a personal message and a political discourse. Although no words will ever be enough to compensate the horror and suffering that touched many generations of Argentines, the autobiographical words of a child and the real pain caused by the recent loss of her father become the dramaturgical solution that allows telling the story of a Latin American country hit by military dictatorship.
Directed by Julia Varley (Odin Teatret – Dinamarca)
Actress: Ana Woolf (Argentina-Dinamarca)
Stage design: Elías Leguizamón (Argentina)
Dramaturgy: Julia Varley
Text: Ana Woolf
Language: English, Spanish
Ana Woolf is a pedagogue, an actress and a director. She is also an international collaborator of Odin Teatret, Denmark, a member of the pedagogical and artistic staff of the International School of Theatre Anthropology and the co-founder and artistic director of Magdalena 2a Generación in Argentina, a Latin American Network of women in contemporary arts. Furthermore, she is the director and founder of the Centre of Theatre Anthropology in Argentina of the Fondazione Barba Varley (Italy) and an assistant director of Eugenio Barba in international and national (Denmark) performances. Between 1999 and 2012 she lived in Denmark, as a student of Julia Varley, who has directed her in two plays and in a demonstration work, and in France, where she teaches at the University Nice-Sophia-Antipolis. She holds a degree in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a researcher of theatre anthropology, she has developed her own pedagogical system of that fuses the principles of oriental performance techniques with the rhythms of traditional Latin American dances, which has become the foundation of the workshops she conducts around the world and the work she does in women’s anti-violence centres.