f_r_iction in the space be_tween

f_r_iction in the space be_tween

– Janis Jirotka & Linda Jiayun Gao-Lenders

We are traveling backwards: A queer European travel writer, emancipated and traveling alone at the beginning of the 20th century, becomes an accomplice of the male colonial gaze…

This audio walk is about traveling, writing women and queer persons, colonial continuities, feminist, decolonial counter-narratives, migration, LOCated bodies in urban space, and also about critiques of travel. Where writing creates locality, we move through the concrete city: we measure with our steps, we walk with our bodies, always in relation to the space, the city, the street. In the process, we encounter authors such as Semra Ertan, Taran Khan, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Sara Ahmed, and others. Through headphones, we listen to text collages in which historical and contemporary voices are linked. Where does what we hear cause us to stumble?

Note*: For the Walk, participants need an internet-enabled cell phone with QR reading function and headphones. For people without smartphone and headphones, we can provide a contingent of 8 MP3 players.

🗓️ Date | Tuesday, 19.09.

Time | 18:30 – Duration | approx. 60 min


🌍 Language | German

👥 Participants* | max. 30 Personen pro Walk, Age: 14+

🌐 Contact| n/a

  • BIOS:

    Linda Jiayun Gao-Lenders & Janis Jirotka

    Linda Jiayun Gao-Lenders, born in 1995, is a post-migrant Chinese performer and sound artist. She studies at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen.

    Janis Jirotka, born in 1988, lives in Hamburg and is active in the independent theatre/performance scene and does political education work.

    Linda Jiayun Gao-Lenders and Janis Jirotka know each other from their collaboration on the project "Jesse James or What Communism Was" (2021-22), which won the LICHTHOF Theatre's young talent award Start Off (2020). Her work and interest combines artistic research with auto-/ethnographic, autofictional methods of co-authorship, memory politics and feminist storytelling.


Sep 19 2023


