

– Kollektiv Mütterkünste

Six artists who are mothers or six mothers who create art reside in the UnsichtBar – it depends on the perspective. Needs are satisfied and parallel worlds are explored. To make one out of these parallel worlds, or at least to connect them and make them visible: That is what the UnsichtBar aims to achieve. Or much more? Worlds will collapse, new ones will emerge. Reinventing the residence, developing strategies and implementing utopias? Seeing your children as part of the process or rather well looked after? Will they really complete the performance or will something else come up?

Choreography and dance: Laura Albrecht / Film: Hanna Green/ Sopran: Lydia Eller/ Physical Theatre: Miriam Lemdjadi / Choreography and dance: Rica Lata Matthes / Historical studies: Angela Siebold

🗓️ Date | Saturday, 23.09.

Time | 9:15 p.m. – Duration | 40 min


🌍 Language | German

👥 Participants* | n/a

🌐 Contact | n/a

  • BIOS:


    Kollektiv Mütterkünste

    • Choreography and dance: Laura Albrecht
    • Film: Hanna Green
    • Soprano: Lydia Eller
    • Physical Theatre: Miriam Lemdjadi
    • Choreography and Dance: Rica Lata Matthes
    • Historiography: Angela Siebold


    Laura Albrecht

    works as a freelance performing (movement) artist and teacher in the field of dance and theatre. She is currently founding a professional physical theatre ensemble in Karlsruhe. In addition to other performative, film, dance and theatre projects and her motherhood, she particularly enjoys dealing with feminist topics both artistically and privately.



    Hanna Green's

    passion is the beauty of sounds and images. She is particularly at home in the fields of photography, sound design and videography. However, she also enjoys excursions into related areas of film production such as story development and screenwriting. She currently works as an artistic assistant in video and visualisation at the Heidelberg Theatre.



    Lydia Eller

    The Austrian soprano began her training at the Anton Bruckner Private University Linz with Cornelia Prestel and, after completing her Bachelor's degree in opera and vocal pedagogy, graduated with a Master's degree in opera with Stephan Kohlenberg at the HfM Karlsruhe. This was followed by two years as a member of the opera studio of the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe. Lydia Eller is active as a concert and lied singer and as singing teacher and children's choir director. She is the mother of two children.



    Miriam Lemdjadi

    works as an independent performer, director and theatre pedagogue. She moves interdisciplinarily between physical theatre, performative theatre and object theatre. Since 2018, she has been living and working in the Rhine-Neckar region, among others with the Companie M/ Dance and Object Theatre for Young Audiences, with the womxn author and director Meriam Bousselmi and the Friends of Arab Art and Culture, the Saadia&Siglinde Companie and the Mütterkünste collective.



    Rica Lata Matthes (choreography and dance, Freiburg) has been a freelance dancer, teacher and choreographer with a focus on new dance since 2009. She has been awarded the Innovation Prize of the Fonds Soziokultur, the Federal Awards for Cultural Education and "Rauskommen", among others. Matthes composes cross-generational and cross-disciplinary, inclusive, international performance projects. Intuition, authenticity and naturalness characterise her work as a womxn teacher as well as dance as an art form. The metamorphosis of the amateur, everyday life, rules of the game, language and conditioning are inspiration and motor for her. She is the mother of two children.



    Angela Siebold

    Dr. phil., born 1981, is a contemporary historian and research assistant at the History Department of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. She is also involved in public history and historical education work. Her thematic focuses in research and teaching are the relations between Western and Eastern Europe, the history of European migration in the 20th century and the history of European integration. She is the mother of three children.


Sep 23 2023


