


Reflections, experiences and exchange



Saturday 23.09. 3 p.m. – CULTURAL CENTRE PROTAGON

“We need to be both archivists and activists if we are to be strong enough to fight gender inequality today.”
Another important part of this year’s theme is therefore the co- creation of the future as a moment in which we create something new. The festival explores the depth of the moment, how a vision can become a reality and addresses how gender trauma is transmitted across generations and what pathways can lead to healing. In this sense, the 7th symposium is the culmination of our festival debate so far.
We continue, as we have in previous years, to seek ways to change the patriarchal, Eurocentric narrative of theatre-making by responding to a multiplicity of feminist voices and building connections of solidarity in a collective way.
We ask:
→ How can we truly acknowledge the experiences and perspectives of all generations that are so important in building our collective emancipation?
→ What artistic strategy or methodology have theatre- makers developed in recent years and how has this knowledge been passed on to the new generations of artists?
Language: English
… are artists of the festival and experts on feminist, decolonial, migration and human rights issues and anyone else who feels that their voices should be heard in this framework.
Allies and interested parties are invited to listen, think and ask questions.

– Nafisa Ferdous, young feminist researcher and thinker 2021

„I think that if old feminists and young feminists want to work together politically for a better world, it is necessary that they overcome the gap between them. That they take an interest in each other and open their minds to the ‘wrong’ views of the others.And that can only happen if people stop reading about each other and start talking to each other.“  

– Stephanie Mayfield in „Altfeministinnen, Jungfeministinnen und der große Graben“, 2010

This year’s symposium will be attended by international and local guests who will speak about their experiences and reflections on the empowerment of womxn in art, culture and politics. Based on the theme “Feminism (inter) generational”, we will engage in a feminist dialogue between theatre, art and politics in the year 2023, when exclusion, war and sexism still limit us, in search of impulses of a radically utopian stage.

How the performing arts can break through the powerlessness of our dystopian now and provide glimpses of a future for all is what we want to discuss together with committed and artistic womxn on the panel and in the audience. The focus of the discussion is on the exchange of different generations from experiences with the stage as a performative space of an anti-racist, queer and eco/feminist utopia. We want to learn more about feminist technologies in different cultural contexts and enable the speakers to gain a new perspective on their own political practice through shared exchange and reflection.We want to get to know new methods that shake up the structures of the old stage and fundamentally question the process of making theatre so far. And we want to find out at which points changes that begin on stage have an impact on society and thus mark the beginning of a larger change.

Another important part of this year’s theme is therefore the co-creation of the future as a moment in which we create something new. The festival explores the depth of the moment, how a vision can become a reality and addresses how gender trauma is transmitted across generations and what pathways can lead to healing. In this sense, the 7th symposium is the culmination of our festival debate so far.

We continue, as we have in previous years, to seek ways to change the patriarchal, Eurocentric narrative of theatre-making by responding to a multiplicity of feminist voices and building connections of solidarity in a collective way.

We ask:

  • How can we truly acknowledge the experiences and perspectives of all generations that are so important in building our collective emancipation?
  • What artistic strategy or methodology have theatre-makers developed in recent years and how has this knowledge been passed on to the new generations of artists?

Language: English

Speakers: … are artists of the festival and experts on feminist, decolonial, migration and human rights issues and anyone else who feels that their voices should be heard in this framework.

Allies and interested parties are invited to listen, think and ask questions.


Bárbara Luci Carvalho  – Künstlerische Leiterin – IFTF | Protagon e.V. 
Jill Greenhalgh – Theatermacherin | Gründerin des The Magdalenas Project Netzwerk
Helen  Varley  Jamieson  – Theatermacherin |The Magdalena Project
Viviana Bovino – Theaterpädagogik und Schauspielerin |Residui Teatro
Karolina Spaic  – Künstlerische Leiterin des Zid Theaters
Betânia Ramos Schröder – Fotojournalistin, Soziologin und Herausgeberin
Ann Dargies – Künstlerische & betriebliche Leitung der Theater Transit
Isriela Bushkola  – Geschäftsführerin  von Büro für Staatsbürgerliche Frauenarbeit e. V. 
Michèle Kramers  – Theaterregisseurin  | THEATRE EN VOL
Margò Paciotti  – Theaterpädagogin Künstlerische Leiterin |Ondadurto Teatro
Terezinha Malaquias – Buchautorin, Körper- und Performancekünstlerin